WE are Responsible to make sure SEX Stays within marriage, no matter what Hollywood says. Amen.
This is NOT only "Ideal" but is God's Command and Gift Designed by God to be enjoyed by one man and one woman inside a Life-time Covenant before God Almighty and even other witnesses at the Covenant wedding ceremony.
This also truly gives Honor to our Heavenly Father (and makes Satan very mad, who wants fornication to reign).
Men, We are Responsible to keep this Order of events proper. No excuses.
This will also Stop 99% of All abortions thank God. Let's do it.
Men: "true love" is "expressed" via waiting for The Covenant, Not by abusing the woman by bypassing the Covenant First.
True Love CAN WAIT. Period.
Well, God makes it clear that SEX is to be the SIGN of the Covenant of Marriage.
For example, if man had SEX with a virgin, he owed her father the bride-price and she was Now his wife, or if she had been seduced, she could say "No" and go back to her father. (Ex. 22:16-17)
MEN, in God's eyes, if you "open a Gift" (somebody's daughter) you just made her your wife. She is yours by your "signature".
you are treating her like a harlot.
NEVER do that to anybody's daughter, Ever, regardless of how much she might seem to invite it. Amen.
So, Men, let's lead any relationship down a Godly and righteous "narrow right way" that leads to Abundant Life, not the "broad, easy evil" way that leads to death. (John 10:10)
HOW do we walk in this Victory? By Holy Spirit power backing up our good Choices! (Acts 1:8, Romans 8:13)
Great post! Although paragraph 2 seems to be saying that SEX can be enjoyed in front of other witnesses at a wedding ceremony. I’m sure this was not your intent!