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Bob Hugeri

The Border Crisis

The Border Crisis

Haiti, Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, China, India, Syria, Lebanon, Eritrea, Uzbekistan, Iran. More than 100 countries in total.


There is no question, the United States of America is being invaded and there is a crisis at the border.


There is also no question it is being done on purpose with the help of some outside factor.


Whatever the reason, nefarious or not, the America we know and loved, the America we grew up in, is gone.


Freedoms have been taken away a little at a time until we have gotten to the point we are now.


While many freedoms are long gone, there still is a freedom to share our faith with others, at least through most of the country.


We, as a church body, no matter our denomination or various individual beliefs in certain doctrines, need to be sharing the Gospel far and wide with those that are coming into this country by the tens of millions from around the world.


It is one of the greatest opportunities to share the Gospel with the world without even leaving our country.


What is happening in our country right now is akin to the reason God placed Israel where He did.


God placed Israel where it is so those traveling from Europe to Asia, from Asia to Africa or Africa to Europe had to cross through Israel to hear about Him. Remember, Israel was originally much larger than it is today.

The Border Crisis

 More than 100 countries coming, not only to our doorstep, but right into our home country!


We can reach more than half of the countries in the world without even needing to get a passport.


If anybody reading this knows of an effort to reach those, please contact me at


If anybody is interested in starting an effort to share the Gospel with the millions coming here from around the world, please contact me at


The Great Commission was not a request. It is not an option. It is not for those that are “gifted” a certain way.


Many churches, individuals and mission agencies are spending tens of thousands of dollars per year to go and reach the nations.


While this certainly is a noble undertaking, we can be reaching the nations at a fraction of the cost and time. Again, without even needing a passport.


I personally do not know the details of how to reach these people. These people that mean as much to God as you and I.


Wherever you stand on wanting these people in our country or not, it does not matter what we do and or what we believe about them being here.

The Border Crisis

The powers that be, yes, those that we elected, will do what they want no matter what we think or want. I learned that firsthand decades ago.


So, whether we want them here or not doesn’t matter. They are here. There are more coming.


Let us, as followers of Jesus, take what we learn from God’s examples,


Matthew 25:35
"I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me."


Exodus 22:21
“Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.

And many other examples God shows us that no matter where people are from or how they ended up here, we need to treat them as we would anybody else.


In other words, we need to share the Gospel with them.


I would like to put out a challenge to everyone reading this.


Please, through our churches, or any other Christian organizations, let us put together a plan to reach those coming here.


God 411 would love to help in such an undertaking either by supplying necessary materials or participating in person, or even organizing efforts.


Please contact me at

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Jan 03, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Awesome perspective!


Jan 03, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This needs to be done.


Jan 03, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great Idea!

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