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Bob Hugeri

Online Evangelism

Online Evangelism

Of all the many different ways to share Jesus with others, online evangelism is one of the easiest ways to draw someone into a conversation.

Sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Rumble, and many others have non-believers just waiting to “disprove” your beliefs and “win” an argument with you.

I have posted the words Jesus Loves You on an atheist and Christian debate site and received over 1,000 comments on it.

There definitely are plusses to this method, but there are also definitely minuses about it too.

Some of the plusses of online evangelism are it is an easy way to sow lots of seeds without leaving your home.

It is a great way to fine tune your apologetics, as unlike when you are talking with someone face to face, you do not have to reply to someone immediately. You can take your time and look up the answer to any questions you do not know how to reply properly.

On Facebook it is very easy to join many different groups where there are thousands of people that are members, some with even hundreds of thousands that are just waiting to let you know just how smart they are.

For years I would get into lengthy conversations with atheists on Facebook. One of the many things I learned is that they will keep replying to you over and over until you decide it is time to move on.

I have had many fellow believers tell me not to “cast pearls before swine.” While this may be true, every single person means as much to God as anybody reading this.

For instances such as this I have put together a paragraph of the need for a savior and the basic Gospel. They receive what they need to know. The rest is up to them and God. I have done my part and planted the seed.

Another plus of doing online evangelism is that you can do more international evangelism in one hour than North American missionaries can do in ten years. You can reach the world right from your home.

While doing online evangelism, you can decide who you want to share what with. You can give those who you want your basic Gospel message and others you can go more in depth if they seem more open to it.

I can guarantee you there will come a time during a conversation with a non-believer you will have to “shake the dust off.”

You can have an answer to every question they have and give absolute proof of what we believe, unfortunately, if they are not ready for it the best we can hope that we are doing is planting a seed that someone will come along at a later time, when they are finally ready, and reap what you have sown.

John 4:37-38 tells us, “37 Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. 38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”

Think back in your life, can you think of someone who had sown the word in your life that was not necessarily reaped immediately? I know I can.

I do find it rather odd that a non-believer’s most valuable asset would be time as they believe when it runs out it is over – nothing else. Despite this, many of them spend an inordinate amount of time arguing that something they don’t even believe in doesn’t exist. Strange.

They will do their best to drag you into an argument so they can say they won, which they will do no matter what you tell them or what they say.

I have given non-believers pages of historical, early church, secular, archaeological and more proof only to have them say, “no that’s not true.” And go on to say that they won the “argument.” Casting pearls.

Another benefit of online evangelism is that when you go to some site like YouTube that has at last count 800 million videos on it you can go to a specific type of video and gear your comments toward them.

You can go to heavy metal music, sports (NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, Soccer, and many more), Muslim videos, Buddhist videos, different countries’ news sites (Global evangelism from home), trending videos, even gay videos. Go wherever you feel the Gospel is needed.

Celebrity deaths are a good time to share the Gospel message on media sites that cover them. Hundreds of thousands watch these videos and are already thinking about death.

One thing to make sure is that the video is not years old. The more recent the video the more likely someone will see your comment. Again, you will get replies. It is up to you how much you want to engage someone after you have given them the Gospel message.

You can even go to Christian videos and try and encourage other believers to share to Gospel (making disciples).

Having a few paragraphs pre-made will save you lots of time and enable you to engage with more people. Below is a sample of one of my pre-made basic Gospel messages. It may be a bit long for many to read and could be shortened.

Online Evangelism sample paragraph

Now, some of the minuses of online evangelism.

It can be really discouraging at times. You may feel like you are making absolutely no progress with anyone.

You may even start to wonder if you are speaking to a real person. If you get into a conversation with someone on Facebook and look at their profile, many times they will have absolutely no information about themselves, which sometimes gets me wondering if I am speaking to a real person.

Just the other day, I saw a conversation about Jesus with someone and an AI Chatbot. It was unbelievable how real it was. I read that they can program the AI Chatbot to respond in any way they want.

In the case of this conversation, it was just to respond with facts. The only way you could tell that it was not a real person was that it was too polite.

No matter how discouraged you get since you will rarely see results immediately, you need to remember Isaiah 55:11. What ever we put out their in God’s name will not return void and He will use it for His purposes.

After doing online evangelism enough, you will come to learn what works and what doesn’t. You will learn replies and comments that really get them thinking. You will literally learn how they think.

This really is just the tip of the iceberg of online evangelism. You can go as deep as you want. You can put up multiple websites, multiple Facebook and Twitter accounts. Really the potential is unlimited.

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