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Bob Hugeri

Go Into All the World (Evangelism)

Before we continue today, I need to make it very clear, when writing about evangelism and my personal experiences, it is in no way to boast, but rather to inform, educate, and encourage.

Mark 16:15

As the picture tells us, Mark 16:15 says “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” What it does not say is . . . if that is your gifting.

Ezekiel 3:18-19 warns, “18 When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for[a] their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

19 But if you do warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sin; but you will have saved yourself.

There are those that will tell you, “Oh no you are wrong and taking this out of context.”

Well, let me ask you, would you rather listen to what God’s word says and when you get to Heaven have Jesus tell you, “well done my good and faithful servant.”

Or would you rather get there and have Him say, “Ummm, I thought I made myself pretty clear on that one. Why did you listen to those others rather than Me.”?

Our job is to obey God not man. Evangelism is a divine responsibility. There are many many ways to evangelize. Don’t ever let anyone tell you there is only one way to share Jesus or this is the correct way, not your way.

Remember Isaiah 55:11 tells us that no matter what we put out there in God’s name, He will use it for His purposes and it will not return void.

One thing to remember when we are evangelizing, actually anytime we are in public wearing a Christian t-shirt or a cross or holding a Jesus sign on the street corner or just where someone knows you are a Christian, the world is watching.

They are watching us very closely waiting, hoping that we will make a mistake, hoping that we will sin.

They somehow think that this will absolve them of any responsibility for their sin, and any need for a Savior.

One time I was out on a street corner in our town holding a sign with a simple Gospel message on it with some friends.

My attention was on talking with my friends and not really paying attention to the traffic going by. This is a corner where about 11 million people pass by every year, so it is pretty busy.

A friend of mine had driven by and later asked me, Bob, what was wrong with you out there today? You didn’t seem very happy.

People are watching us, especially when we are sharing Jesus.

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