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7 Ways to do Global Missions Without Leaving Your Home

Bob Hugeri

Global Missions

As we mentioned in our last post, the time for timidity is passed. It is time for boldness.

There are many Bible verses that verify the need for all of us to do global missions. Jesus did not relegate global missions to a select few.

Global missions are for the entire church to fulfill.

Fortunately, with the rise of technology and the internet they can now be done from your own home without turning your world upside down and selling all of your possessions and moving to a strange land.

Without further delay, I now give you 7 Ways to do Global Missions Without Leaving Your Home.

1.) Let’s start out with Facebook and Twitter (or X as it is now known).


Now I know many out there do not like either of these platforms and after being on them (Facebook) for about ten years or so now, I know why.

People can get very nasty, very mean, very rude, very uncaring, and much worse.

It may be due to the lack of being face to face with someone as it is much harder (for some at least) to be rude to someone to their face.

I really don’t know why, but it does give us an opportunity to work on our patience and kindness and apologetics.

The best way to get started doing global missions on Facebook if you already have an account is to just go and join some groups.

There are Islam and Christian discussion groups. There are atheist debate groups. There are groups from just about every country in the world on Facebook.

Some of the groups that I belong to and post in fairly regularly are: Atheist vs Theist Debates, BIBLE STUDY AND DEBATE - Free Speech, and Atheist vs Theist Debates and there are many, many others.

Join some of these groups or others and just either start posting in the groups or just replying to posts already there. It really is that simple.

You can do more global outreach in one night than some missionaries that have spent years and tens of thousands of dollars.

As we discussed in a previous blog, there are a few ways you can engage with those on these sites.

You can make a prewritten paragraph that gives the necessary information on how to be saved. You can make them for a variety of different groups. You can make them in different languages.

Most people will stay in conversation with you as long as you want. You can decide, after you have given them the info they need, when it is time to “shake the dust off,” and move on.

Make sure to always keep it polite and share the Gospel as many times as possible during the conversation.

You may not see results on this side of Heaven . . . ever.

But know a couple things.

John 4:37-38 tells us, “Thus the saying ‘One sows, and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”

Someone will come along and reap the seeds you have planted, but it must be in God’s timing as His timing is always perfect.

And remember,

Isaiah 55:11 reminds us, “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

You cannot have a harvest unless you sow seeds.

2.) Along this same line is YouTube.


YouTube can be very similar to Facebook and Twitter/X when doing global missions from home.

There are thousands and thousands probably even millions of videos you can either just drop a paragraph or two about salvation or get into conversations with others across the globe.

Muslims are always up for a good conversation about how to get to Heaven.

Here is a short paragraph that I put together to post on Muslim videos.

Dear Muslim friend, I would like you to know that I am a Christian and I love you. You and I both know that we are related through Abraham. I just wanted you to know that Jesus Christ has changed my life. I know He has forgiven ALL of my sins and I will live in Paradise with Him forever. You too can have all of your sins forgiven through Jesus. All you have to do is ask Him into your heart and ask Him to forgive you. It’s that simple. I wish I could invite you into my home so we could talk about this over dinner. I will pray for you, and I ask that you would pray for me also.

As you can see, it is very polite (as we Christians should be) and gets the conversation off in a positive manner.

To give you an idea on some other types of videos to search out would be Hindu videos, Buddhist videos, India’s Bollywood videos, Sports from around the world – soccer is really big pretty much everywhere (right now the women’s world cup is going on with hundreds of thousands of people from around the world viewing the videos). Rugby, Cricket and every couple years, the Olympics. Coronavirus was a great source of worldwide videos and it already had people thinking of death.

I believe one of the best sources is news videos from any individual nation. Almost any country will have news videos. Japan, Myanmar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, you name it.

One of the best things about these news videos is that you can get really recent ones, less than a day old.

When it comes to YouTube, you don’t want to post too much on videos that are too old. Many videos have been on there over a decade.

It is best to go to the most recent videos as people are still viewing them regularly or you can reply to recent comments on the older videos.

You can get very creative and put a paragraph or two about the Gospel in their heart language (there are plenty of translation sites available).

While this is not really global missions, while we are on the topic of YouTube, there are, again, millions of other vile disgusting videos that could use a Gospel message on them. Try things like death metal videos, atheist videos, rap videos, gay videos, transgender videos, the list goes on. With the depravity of today’s world, you should not have trouble finding someone on YouTube that needs the Gospel.

3.) While we are talking about doing global missions from home in people’s heart language, we come to one of the most, if not the most, successful worldwide evangelical tools ever – The Jesus Film.

The Jesus Film Project

The Jesus Film was produced in 1979 and has been dubbed into more than 2,000 languages.

It is a two-hour film about Jesus based on Luke’s Gospel. Around half a billion people have come to Jesus after watching the film (through God’s guidance of course).

The Jesus Film helps people experience Jesus in their own language and realize He is not just someone else’s God.

While North American missionaries going to the unreached world can cost tens of thousands of dollars per year, through the use of native missionaries, The Jesus Film has been able to lower their cost and are able to save a soul somewhere in the world for . . .

83 cents

Yes, every 83 cents donated to The Jesus Film Project saves a soul somewhere in the world.

Check them out at

While mentioning The Jesus Film, I would be negligent in my duties if I did not mention Faith Comes by Hearing which is more or less an audio version of the Gospel rather than a film.

4.) Chick Tracts. They have been around for over 50 years now and have printed and distributed about 800 million tracts in more than 100 languages.

Chick Tracts

How can I do global missions without leaving my home with Chick tracts, you may ask?

Well, I will tell you. They have a Missions Fund that you can donate to.

They have missionaries from dozens of countries that they supply tracts to through donations to this fund.

Some of the countries they have had requests from missionaries and provided shipments to include Cameroon, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guyana, India, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Malawi, Mauritius, Philippines, Ukraine, Zambia, and many more.

They are not legally structured to give tax-deductible receipts for these donations, but they sure know how to get you your money’s worth when getting tracts into missionaries’ hands.

Check them out for more information at

5.) Ministries within your local church. Many churches have a global outreach ministry within their congregation.

For over a decade my wife and myself belonged to a mega-church that had quite a large global outreach ministry whose goal was to plant 100,000 new churches in North Africa.

Quite a God sized vision. But we serve a very big God and only we tend to put limits on what He can do.

Our part in this vision was a sub-ministry (within the global outreach ministry itself) called The Gathering.

What this ministry entailed was bringing missionaries who had been in the field for years together with those within our church of 8,000 that were interested in becoming long-term missionaries to North Africa.

We would supply food and refreshments and our home and once every couple months we would have around 50 people gather at our home to hear what life is like as a long-term missionary.

We heard some amazing stories during that time. It really was a fun ministry that essentially enabled us to do global missions without leaving our home.

Most of the sub-ministries with the main Global Outreach at this church were more or less what is called serving as senders.

Serving as Senders

There is a good book called Serving as Senders by Neal Pirolo that gives you plenty of ideas on how to serve your church’s missionaries without leaving your home.

6.) Next, we come to one of the easiest, but at the same time, one of the most important ways you can do global missions without leaving your home.


No great church planting movement or successful missionary does anything without prayer support.

Matthew 9:37-38 informs us, Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’” (NKJV)

There are many great ways to fulfill this request from Jesus.

You could organize a 24/7 prayer group within your church where someone is constantly praying for missionaries from your church, mission organization or doing exactly what Jesus tells us to right in these verses.

Mission organizations are always looking for prayer warriors like yourself to help with the success of their vision.

Two of my favorite ways to pray globally are, first, through the Joshua Project which is an incredible source of information about every single “people group” in the world.

Joshua Project

You can sign up for their daily emails that give you a specific people group to pray for every day of the year. It truly is an amazing organization.

Please check them out at, where you can sign up for those daily emails.

Second, is Operation World. It is also an amazing source of information, but rather than organized by “people group,” it is organized by country.

The book itself is an awesome source of information about every country on earth including their prayer needs.

The book and more information can be found at:

7.) And the final way we will discuss about how to do global missions without leaving your home is God 411’s very own global outreach efforts.

God 411 - Nigeria

We have a goal of sending out at least one million of our very own Gospel of John with Soul Inspiring Commentary around the world.

God 411 is dedicated to sharing the Gospel with the entire world as we are commanded to.

Please see my last post titled Help Us Make Disciples of All Nations for complete information on how to help without leaving your home and to see the results of our efforts so far.

More information can also be found at our GiveSendGo campaign at:

Please prayerfully consider partnering with God 411 in sending out the Gospel of John worldwide.

Tens of thousands have already gone out across the world.

We need your help to finish the job.

Our current campaign will help print 20,000 Gospels of John.

If you are unable to donate, please pray for our ministry and mission.

All donations to God 411 are tax deductible.

This list of 7 is just a small sampling of ways that are currently available to do global missions without leaving your home. If God has a heart for the lost of the world, so must we.

In your efforts to share the Gospel with a very lost world, get creative, pray, God will give you more ideas than you can imagine.

Watch the movie The Insanity of God. It will definitely light a fire under you.

I have noticed that many people around the world are more receptive than many in our own nation are.

The time is getting close and it is becoming urgent.

Now, let’s get out there (or stay home) and win some souls.

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"1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures"

1 Corinthians 15:1-4

@2024 God 411 Christian News & Information   |   ​Mailing Address: P. O. Box 430, Pine, AZ 85544

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