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7 Easy Ways to Evangelize

Bob Hugeri

7 Easy Ways to Evangelize

While my last post on evangelism involved a method that can be intimidating to some, this post will cover 7 easy ways to evangelize.

1.) Evangelizing can be as simple as inviting a friend, family member or co-worker to church. One thing to keep in mind if you do invite someone to join you at your church, make sure to go with them. This greatly increases the odds that they will go.

You can go as far as picking them up, which pretty much makes sure they will attend.

2.) Telling someone at the store, or anywhere for that matter, that Jesus Loves them is a very simple way to brighten someone’s day and turn their mind to Jesus.

3.) Along these same lines is asking someone to pray for them. One of the easiest ways to do this for a stranger is when you are out to eat at a restaurant, when your food comes, tell the server, you are going to pray over the food and ask if there is anything you can pray for them.

I remember one time about 9 years ago now when I was with a ministry called Church on the Street. We were on what is called Mill Avenue where all the ASU college bars are located.

I was speaking to an avowed atheist who even had an “unbeliever’s radio show”. I asked him if I could pray for him. He said yes and I prayed for an atheist in middle of what I can only describe as satan’s playground. He even invited me on his radio show.

Praying for people turns their mind towards God. It gets them thinking and very few people will say no.

4.) When, not if, a telemarketer calls, tell them about Jesus. The worst they can do is hang up on you. It is a very non-threatening way to talk to someone about Jesus that is not face to face which can be more intimidating.

I have kept a copy of William Fay’s handy little New Testament by my desk which also includes his questions to ask people to get a conversation going about Jesus as well as answers to any objections they may have.

Remember, they called you, so you don’t have to feel like you are bothering a telemarketer when you tell them about Jesus.

5.) Tell someone “Your Story.” If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you most likely have a story to tell people.

A “who I was before Jesus” and a “who I am after Jesus” story.

1 Peter 3:15 tells us, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

“The reason for the hope you have,” is Your Story.

One thing you may want to do if you use this method is to write down a short one to two minute “autobiography” of how your life was before you found Jesus and what it is like since.

When doing this, remember, people are busy, keep it as short as possible while still hitting all the necessary points.

Your testimony, Your Story, is one of the best evangelism methods there is as no one can tell you, “No, you’re wrong, that’s not true.”

There are some websites that actually guide you in putting Your Story together. They tell you which words are effective and which ones to avoid.

6.) One of the easiest ways to share Jesus with others is to wear a t-shirt or ball cap with a short Gospel message on it.

This may seem like it is just a fruitless way to spread God’s word. I can tell you first-hand, it is not.

First off, Isaiah 55:11 tells us that whatever we put out there in God’s name will not return void and He will use for His purposes.

Second, I wear both t-shirts and ball caps with Gospel messages on them and they both have been effective.

I like to give tracts and/or God 411’s Gospel of John with Commentary to cashiers at the grocery store (really any store). One particular cashier would never take one. I even had a friend who also passes out tracts mention that he wouldn’t take anything from her.

I was wearing my 10 Commandments t-shirt one day while checking out in his line. Sure enough, it got a conversation started with him.

On another occasion I was wearing my John 3:16 ball cap. I was volunteering at our local God 411 when a homeless lady came by and was kind of rambling on about this and that.

I just let her go on and listened to her for about 15 to 20 minutes and when she was done, sure enough, she said the whole time she was talking she was looking at my hat.

So, I know from personal experience, not only is this one of the easiest ways to evangelize, but it actually works.

7.) The last way of the 7 easy ways to evangelize is a very easy way, but it definitely is not for everyone.

When I first started with the Church on the Street ministry back in early 2014, I used to think what is up with those signs they carry around with Jesus messages on them. They can’t make much of an impact on anybody.

Well, when we first started our Church on the Street ministry in our little mountain town of Payson, Arizona, that is what we did. We stood on the street corner by the McDonalds where 11 million people pass by per year holding Jesus signs.

When I was ready to stop doing it because it just did not seem very effective, God very clearly told me, “Bob, I used less than that to save you. Get out there.”

We have been out there now for about seven years and in that time, you can definitely notice that the enemy has picked it up a bit.

When we first started in 2 hours, we might have gotten one or two negative responses, which is good, those are the people we are out there for.

Now when we are out there in an hour to an hour and a half, we have gotten up to a dozen negative reactions.

Of course, this is in comparison to dozens and dozens of positive reactions. Which is always encouraging.

The hope is to plant seeds in non-believers and get believers talking about Jesus. We live in a mountain town in Arizona where thousands upon thousands of desert dwellers from the Phoenix Metropolitan area pass through to go camping.

When they are sitting around the campfire, our hope is they are talking about the crazy guys on the street corner holding the Jesus signs.

One of the most awesome things when holding Jesus signs on the street corner is seeing the kids’ reaction as their cars drive by. They are always looking at our sign wide eyed and wondering.

So there have been times when I have been out on the corner by myself and to pass the time, I pray for people, but I also tend to count cars and doing some quick math, I figured out that going out to the corner 30 times a year we can plant around 150,000 seeds per year.

One thing we need to remember no matter how or when you share Jesus with others, even if you are just wearing a shirt or cap with a Gospel message, people are watching us.

They are waiting for us to mess up, to sin. Unfortunately, they somehow think that if we do, it removes their need for a Savior.

Matthew 5:14-16 tells us we are to let the light of Jesus shine to the world through our behavior. Let us show the world what it truly is to be a believer in Jesus Christ.


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Feb 10, 2024

Here are a few examples of how most all of us can "seed" the "Good News" of the Word of God in our communities. We do not need to be extroverts, trained evangelists, silver tongued or bible scholars or spend a lot of money to get the job done. Some methods just require hands and feet and a heart willing to do the work it takes to "plant the seed" for a coming harvest!

You can find them here:


Jul 11, 2023

Excellent message!! Very practical yet also effective! Let's remember too that when we plant the seed of the Good News of Jesus God is faithful to water it and make it grow. HalleluYah! 🙂


Jun 13, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I love all these ideas! Some of them, I do...give the Gospel of John to whoever checks me out at the grocery store...wear a tee shirt that reads JESUS SAVES! On the back is a quote from 2 Timothy 2:3-4 "Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ should." I've gotten only positive comments, which has led to some very blessed conversations! I'm sure someone will ask me: "Why Should I"? And I'll say, "Why Shouldn't You"? If the person says, "I asked you first." Then, I'll say, "Gotta a minute"? And briefly share mystory, the before and after. I'm going to start doing #3 and #4. Thank you, Bob Hugeri! ✝️

Jun 13, 2023
Replying to

Awesome! I love hearing stories of people out there sharing Jesus with others


Jun 13, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks for the great information.


"1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures"

1 Corinthians 15:1-4

@2024 God 411 Christian News & Information   |   ​Mailing Address: P. O. Box 430, Pine, AZ 85544

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